Smallest Docker Images

While building a small docker image, you can start by choosing the smallest base image possible to build on. Few images can be used as base images to make a final docker image significantly small. I am listing a few images that are very small in size and can be used as base images.

Scratch Docker Image

The scratch image is the most minimal base image available in Docker. It is essentially an empty image, containing no files, packages, or utilities. This makes it the ultimate starting point for creating the smallest possible Docker images. The scratch image is not something you would download and run directly; rather, it is a foundation for building other images, particularly when you want to keep the image size as small as possible.

Being completely empty, the scratch image has several unique characteristics. First and foremost, it has no operating system files. There are no shell commands, no package managers, no GNU C library (libc), and no debugging tools. This means that when you start from scratch, you are working in a truly blank slate environment. This minimalism leads to extremely small image sizes since there is no overhead from OS-level files or utilities. Additionally, the lack of extraneous files significantly reduces the attack surface, enhancing the security of your containerized applications.

However, the scratch image also requires your application to be fully self-contained. This means any necessary libraries, binaries, or dependencies must be included in your Dockerfile, as there will be no system libraries available at runtime.

Creating a Docker image using the scratch base image is straightforward but requires careful planning. Since the scratch image has no OS utilities or libraries, it is commonly used with statically compiled binaries. Languages like Go and Rust are particularly well-suited for this approach, as they allow for the creation of statically linked executables that include all necessary dependencies.

Limitations and Challenges of Scratch Image

Despite its advantages, the scratch image is not suitable for every scenario. Since it lacks any form of operating system, it is not a good choice for applications that require dynamic linking to system libraries or need to perform operations that depend on OS-level utilities. For example, if your application relies on shell scripts, package managers, or libraries like libc, you will need a base image that includes these components.
Furthermore, development and debugging can be challenging with scratch. The absence of tools like a shell or basic Unix utilities means that you cannot easily log into the container to inspect the file system, run commands, or debug issues. This can make troubleshooting more complex and time-consuming.

For example, let’s say you have a Go application that you want to containerize using scratch. First, you need to ensure your Go binary is statically compiled:

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o hello .

This command produces a statically linked binary called hello. Then you can use this binary in the Dockerfile:

FROM scratch
COPY hello /hello
CMD ["/hello"]
BusyBox Docker Image

We can use busybox:glibc image to solve the above issue as it provides GNU C library (glibc).

BusyBox Docker image is based on BusyBox, a software suite that provides several Unix utilities in a single executable file, Often referred to as the “Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux”. BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common Unix utilities into a single small executable, designed for environments with limited resources. As a result, the BusyBox Docker image is exceptionally lightweight, typically around 1MB, making it an attractive option for creating minimal Docker images.

BusyBox can be thought of as a stripped-down version of the GNU Core Utilities (coreutils). It includes essential tools like ls, cp, mv, grep, awk, sed, and many others, all bundled together in a compact form. This combination allows BusyBox to provide a functional yet minimal environment that is suitable for a variety of use cases.

Additionally, while the small size of BusyBox images is generally an advantage, it can sometimes be a problem. Even though it provides glibc library and some useful troubleshooting tools still there are many utilities and libraries that are included by default in larger distributions are absent. This requires developers to explicitly install all necessary dependencies, which can increase the complexity of Dockerfiles and the potential for errors.

Alpine Docker Image

The Alpine Docker image is based on Alpine Linux, a lightweight Linux distribution. Alpine Linux is known for its simplicity, minimal footprint, and security features. The base image is remarkably small, typically under 5MB, making it one of the lightest full-fledged Linux distributions available. Despite its small size, Alpine Linux is a complete operating system, providing essential utilities and tools required for building and running applications.
The core philosophy behind Alpine Linux is to provide a minimal environment that can be easily extended. This is achieved through its package manager apk, which allows users to install only the packages they need.

Security-focused deployments also benefit from using Alpine. The small attack surface, combined with the security features of Alpine Linux, makes it an excellent choice for production environments where vulnerabilities must be minimized. Additionally, the apk package manager allows for precise control over installed packages, reducing the risk of unnecessary or outdated software.

Another significant advantage of Alpine is its compatibility with various programming languages and frameworks. Whether you are working with Node.js, Python, Ruby, or Go, Alpine provides a lightweight and efficient base for your Docker images. This versatility makes it a popular choice across different development stacks.

Limitations and Challenges of Alpine Image

Despite many advantages, there are many limitations as well. One of the primary challenges is compatibility with certain applications and libraries. Some software, particularly those heavily reliant on the GNU C Library (glibc), may face issues when running on Alpine, As Alpine uses musl instead of libc (programs dynamically linked against the GNU C library won’t work with musl and vice versa). This can lead to unexpected behavior or runtime errors. Furthermore, musl is not binary-compatible. A binary compiled for the GNU C Library will not work with musl (except in some simple cases), because of that code needs to be recompiled to work with musl. 

Another limitation is the learning curve associated with the apk package manager. For users accustomed to more common package managers like apt (Debian/Ubuntu) or yum (RHEL/CentOS), apk may require some adjustment. Although apk is powerful and efficient, it has its own syntax and commands, which can be unfamiliar to new users.

Distroless Docker Image

Distroless images, as the name suggests, are minimal container images that do not include a traditional Linux distribution. Instead of containing an entire operating system, they include only the application and its necessary runtime dependencies. The fundamental idea behind Distroless is to reduce the attack surface and enhance security by stripping away unnecessary components.

Google’s Distroless project focuses on creating production-ready container images that are small, secure, and efficient. By eliminating unnecessary binaries and libraries, these images reduce potential vulnerabilities and minimize the image size. Distroless images are designed for specific programming languages and runtime environments, such as Java, Node.js, Python, and Go.

That’s all for now.
Thank you for reading!!

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